The road to Chelsea: the final weeks!

Artist impression DEF+ text
© Carien van Boxtel Garden&Landscapedesign
©Trial in my garden with new Primula's, offered kindly by Peter van Rijssen/Plantipp&ConceptPlants
©Trial in my garden with new Irish Primula’s, offered kindly by Peter van Rijssen/Plantipp&ConceptPlants

It has been an amazing and exiting journey so far. Selecting and chasing endless plants and simultaneously, trying out all kinds of concrete constructions, like garden walls, benches, a pond and a secret flyer storage with the Schellevis pavers and elements. Stretching its endless possibilities and killing a lot (really a LOT) of darlings. Making sure all the rules of the RHS are met. Making endless sketches, technical drawings, 3D models. But finally, finallY; we have reached the end of a long design process. I have just finished the  ‘artist impression’ of the garden (many thanks to my ‘maatje’ Anne Martien Lousberg for helping to make it look as chocolately as we possibly could) and I am so happy that my client is happy with it. And so am I.

Meeting at Atelier Vierkant2
©Mixing and matching Schellevis concrete with Atelier Vierkant ceramics in their wonderful factory in Beernem, Belgium
Carrie, Roos and me
© Eric Breed. Roos Vonk, Carrie Preston and me at FLUWEL Bulb growers, sponsor of all bulbs in the garden

It is high time for logistics: getting the work done and all the stuff in time in London. Working on details, like pots, cushions, designing wrappers for chocolates (yes real chocolates!).  Team meetings with the fantastic Dutch volunteers/collegues who will help me planting during building week: Marcel Silkens, Carrie Preston, Carolien Barkman and Roos Vonk.  Meetings with Antonia Young of Pod Garden Design in London, who is responsible for the realization of the garden, that is going to be built by Jeff Rosenblatt Landscapes. And visiting a lot of suppliers: all the contributing nurseries and Atelier Vierkant in Belgium and The Sneeboer Factory in Bovenkarspel next week. A lot of publicity opportunities as well, it is a bit distracting but -I must confess –  a big bonus for a start-up-one-woman garden design firm!

I will keep you posted!


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4 reacties

  1. Very inspiring artist impressionm Carien and Anne Martien,

    It makes me thinking of the story of ‘Charlie and his Chocalate Factory’ written by Roald Dahl.

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